Sunday, August 24, 2014

Spotlight on CFPB Mortgages: Keys to Keeping Up with Federal Standards 60-Minute Webinar 9/9


Please join us for this 60-minute webinar where you will learn everything you need to know
about the latest in CFPB mortgage regulation compliance::

  • Spotlight on CFPB Mortgages: Keys to Keeping Up with Federal Standards
  • Tuesday, September 9th, 2014 - 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) is continually changing
their already complex rules. On January 10th, 2014, the final rule requiring
mortgage lenders to assess the consumer's ability to repay mortgage loans
before extending credit became effective; however, the CFPB is still making
amendments to the QM/ATR rule. How can you be sure you are up-to-speed
on the latest rule, how it impacts the industry, issues that may arise, and what
to expect in terms of future changes? Join us for this live, 60-minute webinar
to discover:

  • Regulation Z: Truth-In-Lending Act & minimum requirements to follow
  • Best practices for avoiding issues & remaining in compliance with the rule
  • Qualified mortgages: What to consider when making ATR determinations
  • Latest compliance regulations for certain mortgage categories

Expert Speaker:

Kristin Del Vecchio is of Counsel for Joseph & Cohen law firm based in
California. She is an accomplished advisor and litigator for banks, credit unions
and other financial services companies in connection with mergers and acquisitions,
enforcement and regulatory matters, antitrust, bankruptcy and insolvency matters,
credit card, student loan, auto and mortgage lending litigation, as well as compliance
with state and federal banking, credit union and consumer protection statue and

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CPE Credit Measurement: One CPE Credit

*Spotlight on CFPB Mortgages: Keys to Keeping Up with Federal Standards
*Live, 60-Minute Webinar
*Tuesday, September 9th, 2014 from 1:00-2:00 p.m. ET

Register now for this exciting event by clicking the following link or
calling 1-800-964-6033:

We hope you'll join us.


Progressive Business Conferences
384 Technology Drive
Malvern, PA 19355

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7 days after the event.

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